Crosstown Electrical Supervisors

Appraisal Process Timeline


January Through December 2024

Throughout the year, Supervisors should be tracking the following information to provide proof for Annual Reviews:

  • Tracking/KPIs
  • Personal observations
  • Supervisor Notes
  • Performance Measures
  • Capture Milestones

**Ensure to document inconsistencies, problems, and areas needing improvement.



May 2024 – Performance Review Rollout

Provide Instructions and training to supervisors, connect supervisors with the Program Manager (Savannah Shulman), and provide Dashboard access. 



June 2024 – Mid Cycle Touch Base with Employees. Informal Review Discussion

We recommend Supervisors perform touch base reviews with each employee to discuss performance and the upcoming performance review process at the end of the year. 

  • Provides regular feedback intended to improve performance and communication. 
  • Provides clear documentation for decisions concerning employees and supports annual review. In partnership with HR.



January 2025 – Performance Appraisal Process begins.

Supervisors should conduct and complete the following steps within 2 weeks for each employee

  1. Self-evaluation performed by the employee.
  2. Supervisors collect all data from the previous year to support form completion.
    • Includes mid-cycle touch base conversations, supporting documents, previous yearly reviews, etc. 
  3. Complete the Appraisal form WITH Scores
    • Compare your findings to self-evaluation, support answers with documentation from other areas (old evaluations, examples, employee communications, etc.) 
  4. Send draft appraisal form to Savannah @ WF for Review
    • May be asked to provide further evidence to support claims.
    • Review for guidance and accuracy. 
    • Guidance to complete accurate scoring 
  5. Supervisors complete Edits/Changes on the final draft based on WF review and submit.
  6. Crosstown Management receives completed drafts to complete the final review and provide feedback.
  7. Crosstown Management provides final documents/feedback to WF, WF will review results/feedback with supervisors. 
  8. WF will assist Supervisors in coordinating the final steps of the Annual Review Process including changes, recommendations, and help coordinate review meetings with employees. 
  9. Supervisors will conduct a final appraisal meeting with employees and obtain final signatures. 
  10. Employee Follow Ups (If needed)
    • Follow-ups for Below effective Ratings
    • Development (PIP) Plans
      • Biweekly 1 on 1 Training 
      • 30/90-day probations
      • New performance evaluation once probations have ended 


How to use the Performance Appraisal Form 

Performance appraisals are prepared by each employee's immediate supervisor as follows:

Supervisors shall keep ongoing notes to maintain administrative records regarding job performance, to document informal personnel actions, and to support subsequent formal performance appraisal.

When Supervisors receive requests for completion of performance appraisals from HR, the supervisor will open the document and fill in the Employee’s Name, Job Title and Department Manager, Employee's Date of Hire, and Review Period.

Before beginning to assess the Employee's performance, Supervisors must review the ratings system, the employee’s completed self-evaluation form, and prepare to rate every category in the most fair and objective manner.

The core competencies are evaluated for all employees and require the Supervisor to rate the employee’s skills in the following fundamental areas:

  • Work Performance
  • Dependability
  • Teamwork
  • Customer Service
  • Communication
  • Policies & Procedures
  • Priority on Safety
  • Leadership Skills

**Supervisors are required to provide comments along with specific examples to support the rating of each category 

Calculate each section and then total appraisal points:

  • Add up total points per section
  • Enter points in the “total points section”
  • Divide by the provided number of points by the number of categories (5 categories). For example, 22/9
  • Enter the total points by section (39 subcategories) and add the total appraisal points and the end of the appraisal.
  • Ensure comments are “specific” to include metrics and behaviors, not subjective comments.
  • If the Employee scores overall below “Effective” check “Required Follow-up Action” and create a plan with HR to assist the employee to improve performance or face administrative action, up to and including termination.
  • Ensure that all signatures are obtained. Note: if an employee does not agree with the rating and does not want to sign the Evaluation, instruct them to complete a statement as such:     “I do not agree with the ratings/comments (list areas of disagreement), but I sign the Evaluation to acknowledge that I received it”

Rating Definitions

Performance Indicators: Supervisors and Employees should become familiar with the definitions of each Performance Indicator before attempting to navigate through the Performance Evaluation Process 

Highly Effective 

means the Employee consistently performs at a level beyond the expectations for the important aspects of his/her position. Little to no instruction is needed to perform assigned tasks. Each rating of "Exceeds Expectations" equals 4 points.


means the Employee consistently performs his/her job well and meets expectations for the important aspects of his/her position. Meets expectations by performing “core” duties. Each rating of "Meets Expectations" equals 3 points.


means that the Employee falls significantly below requirements and lacks consistency in key areas. Quality and/or quantity of work need improvement. More attention to detail is needed, as well as fewer errors. Each rating of "Below Expectations" equals 2 point.


This rating is for unacceptable performance that consistently fails to meet the basic requirements and the supervisor has repeatedly coached the Employee with written documentation. Errors are considerable and the quality/quantity of the work is considered poor. Each rating of "Below Expectations" equals 1 point.

** AN EMPLOYEE SHOULD NEVER BE SURPRISED BY AN UNSATISFACORY RATING. Ratings that score below "Effective" should have been preceded by coaching, write-ups, and counseling throughout the year. If prior documented administration action was not completed throughout the review period, the supervisor FAILED to properly act and the punishment of the employee would be unfair. 

Follow-Ups for "Below Effective" Ratings

Any employee receiving an overall rating of “Developing or Unsatisfactory Performance” that does not meet expectations

  • With the assistance of human resources, the supervisor will generally place the employee on a development plan for 30 days if the appraisal is a 90-day introductory review and for 90 days if the appraisal is an annual review.
  • No merit increase may be given to an employee who rates below “meets” expectations or has been on probation.
  • During a probation or PIP the supervisor will meet with the employee at least once every two weeks to provide one-on-one training in any deficient area and to provide feedback on the employee’s progress.
  • While on probation, any new disciplinary action or policy infractions may result in coaching, performance improvement programs, and depending on the situation(s) up to and including termination.
  • At the end of the 90-day probation, the employee will be re-appraised using the Performance Appraisal Form. If the employee rates “Effective or above” then the probationary status will be removed. If the employee rates “Probationary Performance” or “Below Expectations” his/her employment may be terminated.
  • At the time the employee’s performance increases to Effective or above, a raise may be awarded. This raise will be effective upon the payroll system change and will not be applied retroactively.


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